
How fast does a diver fall from a 10 m?

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how fast does a diver(the sport. not sky diving) fall from a 10 meter platform???

i'm just wondering because i do diving and i jumped off 10m yesterday(but not for the first time) and it seems like you fall really fast! C:

please help! thank you!




  1. you can estimate your fall accelerating downwards at 9.81m/s

    so you can say that you are traveling 98.1 m/s at the time of entry and assuming constant acceleration (to avoid doing calculus) you can say that the average speed (assuming you start as a free fall would be 49.05m/s) giving you a fall time of 5.1secs.

    Now there are obviously things that you should take into account such as air resistance on the surface that is acting on the fall (being yourself), the fact that you probably jump up before you fall etc. over all I would stick to the basics and then guesstimate from there

  2. There are many views to this and one that i share is that it will all depend on your weight and from the way that you dive.

    Peoples speed varies and can change each time.

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