
How fast does darkness travel?

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How fast does darkness travel?




  1. it travels at the same speed of light,as light turning on or off are equal

  2. Do you mean darkness as in the setting of the sun? As the Earth rotates, the boundary between day and night travels at the angular velocity of the Earth. I guess you could define the speed of darkness as the speed of the boundary between day and night. In that case, the tangential velocity would be approx 463m/s=1668.9km/h which is about 1000 miles an hour.

    In the future though, it would help if you phrased your questions a bit more carefully.

  3. Darkness is light in the non-visible range of the spectrum. After all, if you can see it, it must be light. Being light, it travels at the speed of light.

  4. thats a great question .. accualy

    it travels as fast as light 300,000km/h.. because with no light darkness takes buts thats impossible because u dont want noting to be of us do u?

  5. Darkness is the absence of light.  It has no mass and doesn't travel.  Light travels, but it consists of photons.  When the light no longer illuminates an object, we have darkness.

  6. It doesn't travel.  Period.

  7. Umm...darkness isn't anything but a lack of light, it doesn't travel.

    Yay...I love summer all the kids are home asking inane questions...

  8. If you define darkness to be the absence of light. you could say it travels as fast as light does.

  9. Darkness is the condition when light does not exist. So how can you expect something to move when nothing exist?

  10. Meaningless question.  Darkness is merely the absence of light.  It is not a 'thing' and it certainly doesn't "go" anywhere.

  11. darkness is when there is no light so it travels as fast as the light leaves

  12. Darkness travels faster than light: analogy: an ugly guy like Johnny Dep is in boxer shorts only...he tries 10 times to get under the covers while there is light... as he flicks the lite switch off, and runs to get under the covers, the darkness beats him every time...Darkness is faster that light...

  13. if darkness really moved then i would expect it to travel at the same speed as light

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