
How fast does storm surge come?

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Where do you find how bad it might be in your area?




  1. I am assuming you mean in relation to a tropical storm.  That will be relative to the combined forces of the winds in the NE quadrant of the storm (relative to movement) and the speed that the storm is advancing.

  2. The speed of the storm surge depends on what caused the storm surge i n the first place. You can find out how intense it is by looking at NOAA's marine forecasts and analysis.

  3. The ultimate height of the “storm tide” is a combination of the astronomical tide and the storm surge. The surge normally does not arrive as a “wall of water,” but more like a quick rise in the tide to extremely high levels.

    A 2-foot normal high tide plus a 10-foot storm surge will push the water 12 feet above mean sea level. A surge’s worst effect is to bring storm-whipped waves far inland; the battering of the waves causes far more damage than high water alone.

    The height of the surge depends on the intensity of the cyclone - as the winds increase, the sea water is piled higher and the waves on top of the surge are    


    The forward speed of the cyclone - the faster the cyclone crosses the coast, the more quickly the surge builds up and the more powerfully it strikes.

  4. The speed of the storm surge would depend on the speed of wind and how much water there is and the amount of rain.

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