
How fast must a satellite leave Earth's surface to reach an orbit with an altitude of 895 km?

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How fast must a satellite leave Earth's surface to reach an orbit with an altitude of 895 km?




  1. The earth leaving rocket takes off with zero speed,acceleraTte,then reach about 8.2kilometers  per second  or higher speed inorder to reach an orbit of 895kilometer.

  2. the satellite will be in orbit when the gravitational force is equal to the centrifugal force.

    Fg = (G)(M)(m) / (R ^ 2)

    Fc = (m)(v ^ 2) / (R + H)

    Fg = Fc   condition to remain in orbit

    v = [  [(G)(M)(R ^ H)] ^ (0.5)  ] / R

    m = mass of satellite (cancelled out)

    v = satellite velocity m/s

    G = gravitational constant 6.673E-11

    M = mass of earth 5.98E+24 kg

    R = earth radius 6.37E+6 m

    H = orbit high above earth surface in meters 895,000 m

    from my excel

    v = 8452.58 m/s

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