
How fast should my heart rate be to burn calories?

by  |  earlier

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I know you cant prob tell me but isn't there some way of figering it out by your hight and weight or something? please help!!




  1. 220 minus your age, multiplied by 0.7.  

  2. the moment you elevate the rate over your resting rate you are increasing the calories you use.  burning fat works best somewhere in the 125-145 range, but any time you elevate your rate you are burning calories.

  3. learn something about heart rate

    heart rate in cardio work out has too zones

    burn fat zone when your heart start to beat at 50%to 65%*you burn fat*

    cardio heart rate when it raises up to 70%to 85%

    ofcourse everyone is different ,it depends on your height,weight and gender and age,medical history

  4. you need to be in your target heart rate zone... I have no idea how old you are so I can't calculate that for you but you can use this simple online calculator to figure it...

    Keep in mind that everyone is different, but this is the typical hr zone for optimal fat burning for people your age..

  5. Some interesting answer so far. What you are talking about is called Heart Rate Training (HRT). Just Googling that phrase alone will bring you back loads of info.

    HRT is different for each person and the fitter you get, the more you need to do to keep things effective.

    You age, height and weight offer more information in respect to how much energy you need (food) to undertake a given set of tasks (living for example).

    Using the basic (220 - age X 0.?) is not very accurate but I guess is a starting point.

    If you want to do it correctly, you need to find an exercise professional (someone more trained than just a basic gym instructor) and have a test undertaken whereby your maximum (or near maximum) heart rate (HR) can be measured and then the various HR zones can be worked out.

    If I use me as an example:

    220 - (age) 50 = 170 (bpm) - This is my "max HR".. typical aerobic exercise (so called fat burning zone) is around 65% of this figure, which would be around 110bpm. Now to be honest, when driving and someone cuts me up, my HR will jump to around this figure and I don't called that exercise.. but I would in theory need to exercise around that 60% - 75% mark to be doing something worthwhile. that means keeping myself within the exercise zone of approx 105bpm - 130bpm.

    In rality, because I am very fit, my max HR (tested) is actually 205bpm. This causes an instant calculation problem (often created by inexperience exercise professionals). Based on my true max HR, 60% - 75% is now equal to around 140 - 155bpm.

    So if I don't know what I am doing and or just follow typical information found in most gyms, then exercising at my top rate (130bpm) using gym info, is still 10bpm below where I really need to be and if I followed that pattern of exercising, I would achieve virtually no real weight loss.

    As it happens, I am fit enough to be able to sit in that 160 - 180bpm for silly amounts of time, consequently my HR is always in an effective energy burning stage.

    Do not get seduced into safe "fat burning zones". Think not of fat burning, but energy burning; the more, the more intense and the longer the period of time, the greater the overall result.

  6. Gd Question star for you!

    Sorry i dont know the answer but i would like to know!

  7. Exercise Pulse rate or physical exertion heart beat calculator helps you to find out the pulse rate or heart beat during exercise or physical exertion. For different ages you can know the safe pulse rate range and the maximum pulse rate(Danger Zone).

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