
How fast should you drive on the freeway ?

by  |  earlier

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ok, I see majority of the posted signs on the freeways, highways, etc, etc. as 65 MPH and I dont know if its just me or what but wherever I drive most people drive faster than me like 80 or 85 MPH and I drive at least 70 or 75 (the posted limit is 65MPH) but still get passed over by most drivers. What is the law regarding this ? Should you drive according to the flow of traffic, for example should I also drive 80 or 85 miles per hour because thats the speed everybody is going ??? Are people ignoring the law (speed limit) or am I missing something ? Whats up with this ? I see more and more accidents happening now a days because of this speed.




  1. Go with the flow. There should be about as many people passing you as you are passing.

    It is not speed that kills, but differences in speed.

    Think of what happens on that highway when some idiot insists on doing 55, usually in the middle lane....

    Yes, people are ignoring the law. It happens. Deal with it by keeping yourself safe.

  2. Legally your supposed to do the speed posted I sometimes drive the speed  you do but at times I have been doing 80-85 mph I was running late.  I almost found out the hard way one time though doing 65 mph on the freeway it was raining someone came on the freeway there were cars next to me so I couldn't get over, I couldn't slow down I remember having to put my truck to the floor to be able to make room for the person to merge, my engine went up to 4500 rpms and climbed to 5000 rpms it felt like it took forever to gain any speed, this guy and I were in the same spot but he was in the other lane I think he jumped on it when I did.  Thank god it didn't end badly.   Good Luck

  3. what the speed limit sign is what you are suppose to go, but legally i believe you can go over it by 5mph

  4. well the law is the law.  You can be ticketed for going over the speed limit regardless.  However, if you go to court, and challenge on the basis of "traffic flow" you may get out of a ticket.  Cops usually will keep a log of the average speed of motorists, which you can ask for in court.  

    The best advice is if you don't mind being passed, and you don't feel endangered by it, keep your speed down in that 65-70 range.

  5. No, don't go with the flow of traffic. They will get caught one time or another. Stay the speed limit!

  6. I like to go around the speed limit and have the same problem you do.  I stay in the right hand lane and find a slower semi or car to stay behind, if possible.  Or I just let everybody pass me, I would rather be in back of all those speed freaks rather than in front or in the middle of them.  People are definitely ignoring the law.  The speed limit is there for a reason and we should abide by it!

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