
How fast to recover from rape?

by Guest62664  |  earlier

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Im not going into details but i know someone who has recovered aparently and it hasent even been a week. Is that possible or is she hiding anything? It was by her x boyfreind. Would that have a differenet reaction than any other kinds of rape?




  1. I have been raped 5 times. Time is your best friend when you've been raped. It takes time, longer than a week, maybe she doesnt want to talk about it as yet coz its to painful. You get over it in time but it stays with you in your memory. Eventually you are ok, usually with counselling.

  2. She probably just doesn't want to talk about it. Being sexually abused, raped or anything like that messes you up in the head for years and years to come. If she doesn't want to talk about it, don't force her, but if you want to express your concern you could always just tell her that you sometimes wonder if she's really okay, and that you are there for her if she needs to talk. That is, of course, unless she's lying about it. I really hope she's not because that is not something to mess around about.

    No, it wouldn't make a difference who she was raped by. Rape is rape.  

  3. a range of things, ppl deal with pain differently, maybe she is really hurting still. maybe she made the whole thing up, maybe becos it was her x she liked it, who knows, my friend claimed she got raped by 2 men in the same night whom i'm friends with both - it never really happened she was to over it in a week.

  4. Everyone heals differently. If she is a friend you should just be there if she needs you to listen. Just because she says that she's okay, doesn't mean that it won't hurt, emotionally, later on. Take it from someone who knows. Sometimes it is easier just to "get over it". There are people who don't  like to go through life feeling sorry for themselves. What happened , happened, and she probably just wants to move on. Don't push the subject. If she needs or wants to talk about it she will. She was violated in a VERY personal way. So just be a friend.

  5. maybe she actually enjoyed it...perhaps

  6. Everybodys different. but yeah shes in pain but trying to hide it. recovery is a journey and nobody can help you. she has to deal with this alone and in her own time.

  7. No, she cannot recover in a week. Maybe physically but certainly not mentally or emotionally.

    Her keeping it all in is a sure fire way of her spiraling downwards fast. It takes months, sometimes years to start to emotionally recover. And the truth is, you never fully do.

    If you know her parents, let them know you are concerned. Let her know that you are there for her what ever way you can be. Leave her phone numbers written down on a piece of paper for rape relief centres in your area and crisis lines.

    Rape is rape no matter who does it. And the emotional damage is the same.

    She really needs to get professional help.

    By the way, I think that you are a great friend for caring enough to ask. Bless you for that.

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