
How fast will 89% alchohol get you drunk?

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How fast will 89% alchohol get you drunk?




  1. Depends on how fast you can drink it. If you can take shots like you would rum or tequila then you'll be realllly messed up really fast. But you could also consume a lethal dose befoer you realize how messed up you are. If I were you I would save that stuff for cleaning cuts!

    EDIT: Dont listen to Punken, most  hard liquor is 40% alcohol and 80 proof. To get the %alcohol cut the proof number in half.

  2. most hard liqour is 80% so i'd say about 2-3 drinks quicker

  3. 89% or 89 proof?

    89% will kill you fast.

  4. about 4/5's of 1 drink will get you legally drunk.

  5. 89% alcohol is almost pure and is very difficult to find.  You probably mean 89 proof, which is 44.5%.  That's the usual amount of alcohol in most hard liquor.  How fast it will get  you drunk depends on your weight, if you ate anything, and how quickly you pour them down your throat.

  6. depends on how much you drink in what period of time,how much you can handle

  7. 89% alcohol is 44.5 proof alcohol.  It can certainly get you drunk if you drank enough.

  8. it depends on your body mass and your body. for me i can drink 20 beers and not get drunk.

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