
How fast would a 6' foot tall 145 lbs person hit the water after jumping off at 50 foot tall bridge?

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How fast would a 6' foot tall 145 lbs person hit the water after jumping off at 50 foot tall bridge?




  1. there is a formula for this. but anyway, if the water is deep & the man has water sense (has swam & dived earlier) he will survive with high score, but in 3-4 ft water, well u may have his funeral parlour booked in advance.

  2. suicide is not the answer

  3. You would fall at 32 feet per second do the math.

  4. "Warning" Robbie. DO NOT TRY THIS AT HOME.  And

    don't land on tne barge going under the bridge. It's not the

    fall that hirts, it is the sudden "stop" when you land. <l:-})-{*

  5. u r hella skinny. 6 feet and only 145 pounds? dang.

  6. About 35 mph.

    Generally, the "speed" at which a person hits the ground from 3 stories (about 40 ft) is about 30 mph)

    However, gravity is an accelerated quantity (9.8 m/s squared)and the impact is much greater than merely if you were to perhaps "drive" a car into the water at the same "speed."

    That is why few people survive a 50 ft fall, yet most survive auto accidents at even higher speeds.

    By the way, I'm that weight, but not as tall, and I jump off a spot that's been measured 65's fun, but you'll know it if you lean too far one way or the other when you hit the feels as though time stops.

  7. terminal velocity is right around 100 miles an hour for most objects. (like, 97 mph) I dont think 50 feet would be enough to reach that speed. probably around half that speed, or less, in that distance,

    As the above answerer mentioned it is 32 feet per second, per second, which means that for every second you fall, you fall an additional 32 feet, until you reach terminal velocity, which is around 97 mph. This is because of drag, and the limits of the force of gravity.

    Now a person, like a skydiver, can get going a little faster than that, by reducing drag to a minimum, and get a little over 100 mph.

  8. and why exactly do you want to know that... it's kind of an awkward question, you know! You're not thinking about anything stupid are you??? I'm sorry i can't answer it!

  9. Rate of fall is 3.2 meters per second.  Simple conversion.  Same applies to the question, if you jump from the Empire State building at the same time a penny is dropped, which will hit the ground first?

  10. fast

    but dont kill yourself, if you plan on doing so. i saw a man jump off the golden gate bridge so fast that there was no way he was going to be saved. it was so sad

    you probally fall 30 mph

  11. time = square root (0.5x32 feet/s/s x 50 feet)

    ~ 0.6 seconds not considering other factors like wind, air resisteance, etc.

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