I posted a Q a while back about STDs. I went to see 2 doctors about 2 weeks ago, got blood and urine taken, got swabbed and poked and prodded, etc.. to test for every possible STD, bacterial and urinary infections possible.. But in the end both doctors said it looked like genital herpes because I had a wound-like thing on my labia and it was all swollen.. One of the doctors gave me loads of meds (to treat herpes,gonorrhea,chlamydia,AND a urinary infection) before the results came in because I told him I was in a lot of pain.. things are OK now, everything seems to have cleared up. The only thing I am noticing is that I have a kind of scar where the really painful wound was.
Now, I've been away for over a week and I come back and my answering machine is swamped! my doctor has left several messages on my machine saying my results came in and today she left one saying that she filled out a prescription for me and that i should come pick it up soon because I need treatment.. i'm just wondering, is treatment for genital herpes that urgent? I'm worried my problem is even more serious than herpes now! I DON'T EVEN KNOW THE RESULTS OF MY TESTS YET! Kinda freaked out here....