
How fatal is a burst/ruptured appendix?

by  |  earlier

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what are the chances of surviving if you rush to a hospital. I heard it was very good when i asked a doctor who said he deals with them all the time. Is this true?




  1. yes.......very good if you are rushed to a hospital right away.......but it has to be right away cause you can get sepsis which is a poisoning of your blood system.This is because all the infected tissue and such from the appendix is all over your body. There is a chance of dying tho, so I would go to the hospital if you have some signs of appendicitis.  

  2. if you get RIGHT to the hospital the chances are very very good -- like 99% survival rate.

    Appendixes burst because they are infected.  When they burst that infection gets into the body cavity and possibly blood system.  there is a VERY great chance of getting sepsis (blood infection) or peritonitis (infection of the body cavity).  BOTH can be fatal.

    So getting to a hospital right away and getting the proper antibiotic medications is critical.  i think that during surgery they will often wash out the body cavity to reduced the possibility of infections.

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