
How fattening is plain black coffee? ?

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My husband is trying to watch what he eats and lose some weight. He can't give up his coffee. How fattening is black coffee with nothing added?




  1. Absolutely non fattening, just be careful of to much as the caffeine retains water, that might make you feel bloated

  2. Um, you should probably understand that coffee is literally hot water run through ground beans. Black coffee has very little in it at all - the trouble comes in adding milk or sugar.  

  3. coffee in itself has 0 calories... it is actually very good for you because it kills your appetite for other food... the problem with it comes in when people start putting in tons of sugar and cream into the coffee, which is what really makes it fattening...

  4. It's not, it's just flavored water....

  5. Coffee has virtually no calories. Its all the added stuff that makes it so fattening, sugars creamers, yaddah yaddah.

    I wouldnt go as far as saying coffee is GOOD for you... its sort of a draw.

    There are studies saying that it decreases the risk for parkinsons disease and diabetes... even as far as saying having 6 cups or more per day slashed men's risk by 54% and women's risk by 30% over those who avoided coffee.

    Unfortunately, it is also a dehydrator. Long term coffee lovers are more likely to look older and as they age-more haggard.. you have to really go out of your way to make up for it with water and lotions. It also stains your teeth, and if you drink a cup of coffee in the morning, and then go brush your teeth before class/work/whatever.... it doesnt really help you.. its far more likely that you are brushing the stains in, not brushing the stains away!

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