
How fertile is a teenager?

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I have heard that teenagers are very fertile. SUch as ovulate more than once a month. Is that true? How likely would a 17 year old get pregnant while on her period.

Just wondering how fertile that could be? I know their bodys are prolly more fertile than 40 year old but what are the chances of lets say a 16, 17, or 18 year old girl to get pregnant such as while they are on their period. Would it be even possible if they have a long cycle? say 35 days? Could they still ovulate more than once a month?




  1. every female has the same fertility as any normal female

  2. no there is no such thing as being more fertile and teenagers ovulating more.   You ovulate ONCE a month, hence the period once a month.   Only one egg drops, then you get your period..   Its just that as you get older , your egg supply begins to run lower.  So the closer you are to menapause, you run out of eggs.  

    Nope once a month for ovulation, unless you are some text book miracle, which hey isn't far fetched.  But then you would have your period ALOT.

  3. You don't have to be a teenager to get pregnant while on your period.  It can happen to women of all ages!!!

  4. Well, anything is possible... but, its unlikely for a woman to ovulate twice in one month.. it is possible, but unlikely.... no matter what age.

    Now, to get pregnant while on your period with a 35 day cycle.. again, unlikely.  See, you ovulate 14 days before your period begins.. so a 35 day cycle woman would ovulate on cd 21.... so thats 21 days after the first day of your period and I doubt that your period lasts 21 days.... so the chances are extremely SLIM!

  5. They are no more fertile than anyone else under the age of 35.   No they couldn't get pregnant while on their period, they could, obviously, still get a disease.   They aren't going to be ovulating while they are on their period.

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