
How fit do you need to be in order to become a airliner pilot?

by Guest64293  |  earlier

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How fit do you need to be in order to become a airliner pilot?




  1. The others are correct in that you don't need to be particulary fit.  However, you do need to be smart and be able to learn a lot of stuff.  If you want to get lots of opinions and ideas about this question, post it in the Cars and Transportation category under Aircraft.  A number of pilots answer questions there, and they are usually very helpful.

  2. Sam's got a pilots license and he's a big fat lardass so I reckon you don't have to be super fit, just reasonably healthy.

  3. You don't have to be tip top Army phys style fit.  You just have to be able to see straight, have half decent blood and not have any irregularities on your ECG.  It's all stuff which you cant do a lot about from a training perspective.

    Best of luck old chap!

  4. not really fir, you will have to comply with health and safety etc. with whatever airline your working in, most pilots are from the air forces though

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