
How fluent are native Japanese with English?

by Guest66113  |  earlier

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I may be in Japan for a while and I'm wondering how common reading, writing and speaking English in Japan is these days. I'm sure they prefer to speak their native language, but when it comes to need to communicate with a ganjin (white person) what is my luck in and out of Tokyo?




  1. In city/suburb-type schools, English is usually taught as a second language. I knew that when I lived in Japan, the 3 middle/high schools I went to all had English as a required course.

    If you need to ask directions, etc. from someone on the street, ask "Eigo shaberi masuka? " (Do/can you speak english?). You'll probably get a nod/shake of the head and that will be your answer.

    When you go to Tokyo, a lot of things (street/subway signs, store names, restaurants, etc) are translated or written entirely in English/Romaji.

    If you look like a foreigner (Gaijinn) the average japanese person will assume that you do not speak japanese that well.

    Oh, almost forgot. If you're in Tokyo, try looking around for other Americans/Foreigners. Tokyo is a major city, and you'll probably find someone who speaks english who isn't japanese (tourist, buisnessman, etc.)

  2. > ganjin (white person)

    it is "gaijin" and it means any foreigner.

    you will meet people with 0 english to near native level.

    depends on where you are really.

    but you will manage to get by, just like everyone else. you will hardly be the first gaijin they see....

  3. I think most Japanese would prefer to speak to you English.  English is seen as cool and if you are white or black or some visible foreigner, they usually assume you can't speak Japanese.  They probably would be happy to practice their English on you.

  4. first id like to tell u, plz dont be disappointed even if japanese ignore u when u try to talk to them on street.  i dont mean nobody can speak english in japan, but many ppl are really bad at english and also too shy. maybe some ppl would just run away, but plz understand them. they r just chicken and not used to the situation.

    well even if u dont know much japanese, u should speak one phrase in japanese at the first place; like "Suimasen.(Excuse me in japanese)". it would help them feel comfortable to talk with you. then after that, ask them if they can speak english or not in english. if they cant, maybe they cant even say "i cant speak english", but would do something with their body. so i guess u could understand what they wanna say. i hope you will meet kind japanese there:)

    good luck to ur life in japan!

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