
How four types economic system solve problem?

by  |  earlier

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how they make decision to solve problem for four economic systems




  1. This question should be asked in the Education & Reference category under Homework Help.

  2. Presuming that these are the systems meant by the questioner:

    1. MARKET ECONOMY - a free price system set by supply and demand.

      Usually more efficient than a planned economy because decisions are made individually rather than determined centrally.

    2. PLANNED ECONOMY - government manages the economy.

      Severe disproportionate distribution of wealth or concentration of key resources

    3. MIXED ECONOMY - a mixture of 1 & 2

      Public ownership of key industry sectors usually in a market economy

    4. TRADITIONAL ECONOMY - resources are allocated by inheritance.

      Lingering result of feudal systems

  3. You should probably copy the book exactly... we have no idea what you're talking about.

  4. i dont get the point........

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