
How frequently do you change your glasses??

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I have had them for 2 yrs now...




  1. I get new ones every year. Our health insurance covers new frames every two years, and lenses every year. If your eyes haven't changed that much, then it shouldn't be a problem. My eyesight gets a lot worse so I get headaches when I need new ones.

  2. Should go for a yearly exam.....

  3. My lens get changed every year

  4. I usually get new ones every 2-3 years.My prescription is good for 2 years,and it hasn't changed much since I started wearing glasses,so I am good for glasses every 2 years!Plus,I get tired of a certain frame after a period of time.The glasses I have now I love,I have had them for a year!

  5. If your degrees changed, then i change them, I get my eyes checked every year, but I like new trendy glasses every year, but now I have contacts and now I change those once a month, not like anyone will notice.

  6. You should change them every year. Well, my eye sight drops by 1 point every year, so every year I get new ones, because I can't see well with my other glasses once my eyes get worser.

  7. I'm 62, been wearing glasses since I was 9, I have had an eye exam every year since then and only twice did I not have to change my Rx, you should go every year

  8. You only NEED new lenses if your sight has gotten worse.  There is no set amount of time; in fact, you should consider yourself lucky if you have not had to get new glasses in 2 years!  Just be sure to go to your eye doctor every year for a checkup, or any time you feel your eyesight is worsening.

  9. I change my glasses once a year, though i should probably do it more frequently, like evry 9 months., because my eye gets worse. It's different with every person though. When you start wearing glasses, your sight will get worse quickly, then deteriorate more slowly until it reaches a point where it's constant and doesn't change (that moment can't come quickly enough for me!). THEN you only need to change glasses every 3years or so for appearences sake.

  10. If your prescription hasn't changed then u don't have to change them. u shud get a eye exam

  11. Mine eyes never change.

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