
How frequently do you see cockroaches in Bahrain? We may move there but my son is highly allergic to them.?

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Are they everywhere, or can be avoided? Are there good pest control companies?




  1. wow! roaches are the most resilient critters of the whole world and you'll find them anywhere except maybe in the polar regions of earth.. They have been around since dinasaur age.. They just wont die off..

    I dont care how clean you are, there will always be a rogue cockroach appearing here and there..

    You just have to be uber clean, only allow eating in one room (ie: kitchen/dining room) and quickly clean up all crumbs or spills. and keep your kitchen extremely clean and tie up all trash bags every evening and or take them out to the dumpster daily...

    Sure pest control companies help, but nothing is 100% fail safe.. goodluck1

  2. well cockroaches arent really common in bahrain .. but they do actually appear in dusty and extremely dirty places

    i live in bahrain, and i have had some expierience . there are quite a few of them . there might be some in houses, and even apartments.  

  3. you See them in the summer and you can use one of the pest control Co. and that should take care of it for a while 1 year

  4. This is really a problem not only in Bahrain but I would say in the whole gulf region.

    Pest control is a good measure but this is useless if you are staying in a building or multi level villas. Fumigation or pest control measures have to be applied for the whole building and NOT for individual unit alone and sad to say - this is not the case.

    If your budget can accomodate a single dwelling - then go for it. Otherwise, find a new building (under 2 or a year old) and avoid buildings with restaurant or tea houses or groceries below.

    You will find a good pest control companies in Bahrain - no doubt about that and normally, it's your neighbor who can best recommend you which one is the best.

    Goodluck !

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