
How frequently should a 3 week old kitten be fed ?

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I found a abandoned baby kitten on side of the street - she must of been 4-5 days old then - so i took her a friend who had a cat who just gave birth to 2 kittens and the mother cat accepted her , i left her with my friend and she was fed there for over 2 weeks, but she is back home now and I'm finding it very heard to feed her as she doesn't want to eat or drink anything. She seems very lifeless and I'm getting very worried.. Please help!




  1. get kitten formula and see if she likes it if not you can get wet food for her she is still to young for hard food and also give her plenty of water she can go with out food for a few days but not water

  2. If I were you I would take the kitten to the vet and have it checked out.

    you will need to give her formula through an eyedropper, not human formula, you should be able to get a special formula from your vet.

    She will be about 10ounces so she will need about 80cc of formula, 3 times a day.

  3. My kitten seemed lifeless when I first brought him home, but that stopped after about a week. I think it's normal for them to sleep a lot when they get to a new home because they're getting used to it. If it persists it could indicate a serious health problem, so don't hesitate to call or visit the vet. Kittens should be provided with all the food they will eat for the first six months of their life. it's crucial for their development. if your kitten doesn't eat what you give it, play around with different kinds of foods. Canned food, especially, Good luck!

  4. did you just stop with the milk from surrogate mum and ut her straight to kitten food? if so its cause shes not weaned yet, and u need to slowly introsuce food to her.

    keep on with a bottle, ask your vet or pet store for kitten milk powder.

  5. She is too young to eat normal food. She needs to be bottle fed. Go to a vet and buy the proper kitten formula and they will give you the proper instructions on how to care for her. With The suggestions on here you will wind up with a dead kitten. You should have left her with the mother cat. I'd take her back to the mom if possible.  

  6. Just put out a bowl of food (make sure it is kitten food or wet food because that would be easier on her mouth and teeth) and put out a bowl of water. Show here where they are and this way she can get food and drink when ever she is hungry or thirsty. By doing this you will be able to keep track of how much she eats/drinks a day and make sure she is staying healthy. To get her to be more active buy some toys she can play with to keep her entertained also get her a cat bed she can rest in. You may also want to by a cat scratcher. That is a cardboard box that you put catnip in. The cat scratches at the box to try to get the nip, this prevents them from getting at your furniture.

    Also make sure to pay a lot of attention to her by playing with her and petting her. The first few months of a kittens life are very important in developing a good temperament, eating habits, and ways to relieve stress through toys.

    Good luck with your new cat. I know it is a lot to take care of.

  7. Hears what you do, you poor a bowl of cat chow in the bowl, then you put cat tuna on top of it so the cat chow is soft, then you pick her up and bring her to the bowl of food, if she does not eat it I would take her to a vet.

    -Hope I helped

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