
How funny is your kid ?

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This not my child, I don't have any. It is the daughter of a friend. I was making them breakfast te other day, and Rose, the little one wanted to help. I said, sure, lets go. I broke a couple of eggs in the bowl as she watched, then she wanted to try one. She cracked the egg perfect, got her thumbs in there, then pulled it away from the bowl, and dropped it on the floor. It was so funny, I could not even get annoyed. I just had to laugh. She got the second one right after I explained the,

"over the bowl" concept. Too cute.





  1. When my nephew was like 2 just learning to talk someone in the house said im gonna whip your *** and he would go around saying * Im gonna whip some **** it was so funny.. and on Christmas Day when he was 5 after dinner he wanted to wash the dishes all by himself. Needles to say they had to be re washed and he was soaked from head to toe but so cute..

  2. When my oldest child (now 11) was about three I used to always tell him "I love you to pieces" and after a while, he started to say back "I love you 3 pieces" not realizing that my 'to" was not the number 2.  It makes me smile even now =)

  3. My 5 year old son was in the store with me and asked if Dr. Pepper was an advertise ment for some doctor..Not funny..But cute.

  4. The funniest (embarrasing) thing that happened with me and my 3 year old we were shopping for bra's (for me obviously) when she said look mummy this ones nice so i went to where she was and crouched down to have a look. I was kneeling on the floor in front of her and the bra's were to the side of us. I said " thats really pretty but it's a bit big for mummy" to which she grabbed hold of my chest and shaking my chest said " but mum you have got big boobies" well i went a coulor purple and everyone in the que started sniggering. I still laugh about it now...she's 4...and makes me laugh all the time she has a great sense of humor..

  5. I was very sick at the begining of my pregnancy. At the time my husband and I were living with his sister. One morning I was really sick, I think I had some kind of stomach bug because I had been sick the night before too. After I left the bathroom and walked back into the room my husband and I were staying in my niece walked in the room with a baby doll and said you sick you have one of these in your tummy the baby make you sick. Bad baby bad baby. You don't need it. I felt like c**p but I couldn't help but laugh when she said that she was only two

  6. My 2 year old son likes to associate objects with us so necklaces are mommy beads, and SUVs are papa trucks etc.  One day we were at a restaurant and my son was playing with the drink menu. He saw some pictures of beer and said "Daddy water!"

  7. My 4 year old daughter knows that she cannot have sugary food and drinks at bedtime because it makes her hyper.  Well, the other day I let her take a drink of my Dr. Pepper and she asked if Dr. Pepper has a lot of sugar in it.  I told her "no" because I was trying to use a little reverse psychology so that she wouldn't start acting hyper on purpose.  Then she said, "well, great then I will have a Dr. Pepper at bedtime!"  She got me...LOL  She is always doing and saying stuff like this.  She is just naturally funny and she keeps me on my toes. :)

  8. They do really funny things!  My little boy, he's almost thirteen months old, grabs his nipples and says, "Button!"  It's hilarious.

  9. My 5 yr old stepdaughter is Puerto Rican and when she was up here for the summer she was telling me about how her grandfather’s mother passed away. I asked if she knew where people went when they pass away. She looked at me like I was a moron, pointed upwards and said, “Puerto Rico”.

    My husband and I still laugh about that. Funniest thing I’ve ever heard!

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