
How gnarly is your playoff beard?

by  |  earlier

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(I'm a Red Wings fan) Mine is getting kinda gross. It's about an inch and a half long, and really itchy. I'm sure my boss would love it if I got rid of it (I work in customer service), but I don't wanna jinx my team! Wish I had my camera here at work, I'd post a picture. I need a regular haircut, too, but I'm waiting 'til the Wings hoist the cup!




  1. i'm keeping mine respectable with a regular trim

  2. Not very. Unfortunately, my job requires me to shave.....while I'm stuck in a nuclear bunker. Go fig.

  3. I can't grow a beard, but my leg hair is starting to catch in my jeans.  It's a good thing I don't have to wear a skirt at work!

  4. Yeah well I'm a you want me to become the bearded lady?

    I was going to grow leg hair instead....but that might be kind of disturbing.

  5. I shaved last night

  6. it has as much grey as Scott Niedermayer but a little more groomed

  7. Mines about as good as Sidney Crosby's

    :( Its getting there.... slowly but surely

  8. I broke down after 10 days and shaved...I just so rarely have facial hair and my daughter didn't like. Ah well.

  9. Since I am a girl. I can not share with you how my playoff  beard looks now. Sorry.

  10. Its pretty bad.

    I look like I've been living in the Canadian wilderness as a lumberjack for the last year.

    I know it is technically legal to trim the beard, but I refuse.

  11. You have seen how some of the players keep their beards short, right?  Get yourself a pair of clippers and try a #2 guard and keep it tight.

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