
How good are most tattoo artists at parrot tats?

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I decided for my right arm I would like to get a tattoo of my favorite pet (a rainbow lorikeet of mine who died). I'd like to have the design of the parrot with a heart shape on his chest (the species has a red colored breast as it is) with an arrow or dagger through it to symbolize loss and grief.

I've looked at a lot of the designs in the tattoo parlors, I haven't found a design that fits what I am thinking. Most of the bird designs with arrows or daggers through them are sparrows or bluebirds. Most of the parrot designs I find are of macaws and such...

How much would it cost to go in with my own design and pictures?




  1. Many good tattoo shops will help you create your our personal tattoo. Just bring a picture of your bird when you go to talk with them. I have seen some stunning tats that were done like that.

    I didn't know you could have a lorikeet as a pet.

  2. Go in, ask them to draw something up, and ask what the pricing would be.

  3. i have a parrot/bird of paradise on one arm. it looks fantastic. i also have a pegasus on the other arm, and it looks horrible. go see some work whoever you choose has done previously. also, i don't really recommend tattoos. but that's just me, they are probably better on other people

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