
How good are spray tans ??

by  |  earlier

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are they expensive, and how many times do you need to go ???




  1. Unless you intend to audition for the part of oompa loompa Stay away from them  

  2. I got one done before a wedding and it was lovely! It only lasted a few days though :(

    Cost me £25

    Remember to exfoliate before!


  3. anna. don't waste your money they damage your skin more than you know there not that good they leave streaks on you really my cousin tried them and looks very bad no kidding.

  4. Never buy spray tans I mean never. its really hard to balance the tone of the spray, and you'll end up looking like an orange.. Trust me I've tried it before. If I were you , I would go to the Salon and get tanned In those tanning beds or just have a natural tan on the beach :)

  5. Spray tans are one of the best forms of fake tanning.

    Sun beds often cause damage to the skin can can cause skin cancer over a long period of time.

    Ususally people get them weekly to keep up a nice tan.

    They should range much more over $30 dollars?

    I have had a few myself and find that they go one really nice.

    One thing you should keep in mind is that Tanning salons usually have different colours, light, med and dark depending on what kind of brown you want to go.

    Just before you get one, you should exfoliate and scrub your body with a loufer or those gloves to remove any dead skin.

    After wards you have to wait usually between 12-24 hours untill you can shower.

    And making sure you mosturise alot, the tan should stay beautiful for that week.

  6. they work great

    they arent that expensive

    one time makes you a perfect tan color for a couple of days

  7. straky

  8. Unless you buy the really expensive kind, it looks really yellow or orange.  

  9. They are fairly good although a bit messy on the night that you get it done as you have to wear loose clothing and it comes off easily on your bed sheets etc. They cost about £25 in UK.  They last well for about 4 days or so. I have got them done for special occasions - however personally I have found the Lancome deep self tanning milk that you apply yourself just as good - if not better!  

  10. ANNA MY DRAR, I would not recommend because No one knows wither that spray can give you skin cancer or what it could do to you when that spray gets into your blood so I like you I would be care full with what I am using on my body like that spray and even the heat lamp because that as well could give you cancer from that Bulb so the

    only & the best thing is a little sun or just go natural my dear just go NATURAL. Nothing beet ORIGINALITY originality are the best so just stay as you are OK mama?

  11. No. If you want to have a perfect tan, come to California and get a natural tan. The color will be perfect, and just use oil to get a whole body tan. Spray ons look fake all the way around.  

  12. Spray tans are fantastic. You need a bit of experience and experimentation at the beginning, but once you know what you are doing you can be permanently tanned and nobody will know that you are wearing a fake tan.

  13. You don't need it your already beautiful.

    I don't mean for this part to be mean, but...

    Why do you want a tan. Muslim women have to totally cover themselves and no one would see it?

  14. In my experience they last about 3 days. Once is all you need and you can ask the beautician to deepen the colour that is sprayed. Just say you want a deeper colour as she is doing it and she should spray you a little bit more.

  15. I've never had one but a friend had an expensive one and it was awful. She looked really orange after one go and there were streaks in some places and her fingers and toes were really noticible as it doesn't get into the cracks between! This was in an exclusive health spa in the midlands but i don't remember the cost. i'd definitely go with one that you know is going to be good and that someone had recommended otherwise you're stuck with looking ridiculous!

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