
How good is David Duke in defending the European-Americans?

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  1. He's a poor example of a human being, let alone being "good" at anything.

  2. Are you talking about the David Duke who is a member of the KKK?  If so, then he would probably be the worst person to ask to defend anything at all!  He is a very hateful person, and no matter how much garbage he might spew, he has a very unkind sense of right and wrong.

  3. Not sure I get your question - present day Euro- Americans who have citizenship in Europe then migrate to our shores - arent being "persecuted" or prosecuted as long as they have the proper paperwork to be here.

    Present day whites/ caucasians with European ancestry arent under "attack" from any other group - not like the South African whites or the Israelites & Palestiinians. So what "war" or conflict are you speaking of? His website simply speaks about issues & his opinion of them....

    If you mean that the presence of non whites in the workplace & in society are making it "difficult" for whites - well even that is a weak argument. "whites" are usually the head of major companies/corporations & whites were responsible for the major outsourcing of jobs in many industries. whites are still the majority wealth holders in this nation so I dont undertsand why SOME whites feel shafted. Is that a little "entitlement complex seeping out ? Well if it makes you feel any better _ i feel like I should make a six figure salary - but wishing wont make it happen. Spend more time doing & less time complaning - and you wont have these kinds of questions

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