
How good is Grey Goose Vodka L'Orange?

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My brother bought a bottle and I'm curious what some of your opinions are on it. Thanks in advance :)




  1. It's flavored vodka, it's much grosser than the original flavor. It's ok for a flavored vodka, though.  

  2. Better than Absolut Mandarin, but in flavoured vodka I prefer Finlandia Cranberry or if on a budget, Smirnoff Watermelon.

    Just make sure you put it in the freezer first because vodka tastes MUCH better cold

    Regular vodka is a safer bet because you can drink it straight or mix it with other stuff.

  3. i personally like it but as you can tell from the first two answers it's really just a matter of taste.

  4. it is highly over-rated

  5. its really good :)

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