
How good is Windows Vista?

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Is Windows Vista any good? I"m thinking about getting a pc with either vista or mac software, but I don"t know which to choose. Please let me about any pros and cons about Vista and anything I might want to know before getting it. Thanks!




  1. a third of new machines bought with vista are downgraded to vista.

    I have never heard of a mac sold with leopard being downgraded to panther

    what does that tell you?

  2. As long as your hardware is good, Vista is fine.  You'll need at least 2GB of RAM and a dual core processor.  It was a little flaky when it was released, but the service pack and various patches have helped.  I installed Vista Ultimate on a computer I built in November, and it hasn't crashed once.  There's a learning curve involved due to the new GUI, but it does have some nice security features and eye candy.

    Buying a Mac will cost you more than twice what a comparable PC costs, but the Mac can also run Windows.  If money is no object, go for the Mac.  Otherwise, just make sure you have decent hardware and you'll be fine with Vista.

  3. Vista is c**p

    pros: nice aero theme

    cons: memory hog, too much security (some are useless), errors

    Mac is the good one

    pros: features! fast, no virus.

    cons: not much softwares works on it

    if you don't really care about games then go with mac but if you do, go with vista

  4. vista is gud

    but not very gud because i wanna 1gb ram or512ram to start

  5. Its c**p.

    I follow many tech sites and news and listen to many technology podcasts etc and even now the general consensus is that Vista is a bad OS.

    It has better security than XP but then, XP has great security if you keep your head on the ball and don't do stupid things.

    I would definitely NOT go to Vista until there is no choice...which is what Microsoft are actually trying to do to us all...remove XP support and force this rubbish on us.

    Oh you will need an upgrade to your PC most likely and also any old software you like will most likely not work on Vista either.  that is the two main problems but believe me, there are many more, especially for the non tech-savvy user.


  6. Vista will not run very well without some RAM.

    I recommend at least 3 GIG.

    Vista for some reason, likes it's RAM.

    I personally would stick to a Windows make instead of switching over to a Mac.

    There aren't many cons about Vista, people say there are, but my machine is running fine, nothing wrong.

    If your going to buy one at least make sure that it has 3 GIG RAM + and maybe a Dual/Quad processer.

    Then Vista will work fine.

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