
How good is a plasma screen when used a pc monitor?

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I'm thinking of buying a plasma tv but I also want to connect my laptop via HDMI to it. I currently have a 32" LCD as pc monitor.

Will the plasma get screen burn/retention?

Also plasma pixels are wider? as they're 1024x768, which is 4:3 ratio but the actual screen is widescreen. So will that cause havoc on a desktop?

Lastly would text be easy to read?





  1. First-don't do it. Your desktop has many stationary objects which will burn-in to your screen. The newer plasmas are better at preventing burn-in than the old, but they won't stand-up to use as a monitor. Even if they have a "white wash" mode to clear the burn-in, every time you use it, you are reducing the life of your panel.

    Plasma pixels are not wider than LCDs.

    The standard pixel counts are the same as for LCDs, except for some weird ones that have oddball counts and do have non-square pixels-avoid them.

    1024X768 is NOT a standard HDTV pixel arrangement.

    I don't know what you're looking at, but it's not a standard TV.

    If your PC can connect to the TV via an HD capable cable, then your desktop will look great-provided you're not asking it to display teeny tiny stuff that only looks good on small monitors with higher resolutions than 1080P.

    Usable cables for HD are VGA, RGB, component, HDMI and DVI.

  2. Plasma televisions, while giving you the best picture quality (deeper blacks, near instantaneous response time, glossy screen which helps to heighten contrast) are not a good choice for a PC monitor.  Plasma televisions have an issue with image retention, this means if you leave a stationary image on the screen over a period of time you will be able to see a "ghost" of this image for a few days in the future.  I would highly recommend using an LCD.

  3. Dear, first i want to ask you a question that why you want to change your LCD to Plasma?

    Please notice that there is no noticeable difference between LCD and Plasma. Remember that the Plasma's pixels are the same as the LCD's Pixels and there is no difference among them. But if you want to have a wider screen, you have to choose a bigger TV in inches.

    Have you ever thought that why all of the PC's monitors are LCD? The answer is that although the LCD technology is more expensive, but the pixels response and the display brightness is more that the Plasma. The same in TV, LCD TVs are more expensive. But The points for LCD is in it's image brightness and contrast. LCDs have an extra brightening technology that makes you to watch in daylight easily and also these year, the high refresh frequency in LCDs make them superior in speedy and high motion pictures that was smoother in Plasmas. And the texts in the display are clear and that is the first time for me that you said it.

    At the end, if your LCD display is old, change it with a newer one not a Plasma. Because the Plasma technology are going to be behind the LCD Tech.

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