
How good is bottled mineral water than home-boiled plain water?

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How good is bottled mineral water than home-boiled plain water?




  1. Bottled mineral water is pure water plus the minerals specified on the label.

    so much better then boiled water

  2. You at least know that home boiled water is sterile.

  3. Bottled mineral water is pure water plus the minerals specified on the label.

    Your tap water can be at least as pure, pure with chlorine, or contaminated depending on where your water comes from.

    I live where the water is pure...but the city adds chlorine to kill any bad thing that might be there...So I drink tap water , through a "Brita" water filter to remove the chlorine taste.

    I buy bottled water once in a while when I am out. (pop is too sweet)

    I save the bottle and fill up from my Brita water filter for my next sojourn

  4. I would think the mineral water is better. It may or may not be purified though. The minerals can be in there naturally or be added. But if you are supplemengint your diet like you should be then there is no reason to buy mineral water. Just get plain puried water. It is cheaper.

    As far as boiling water at home goes it does no good. Only if some organism gets in it and your local area is told to boil it to kill it then boiling it does not good. Steam is produced from boiling which is pure water and leaves behind all of the contaminates in the water in the pot making it even more concentrated than it was before.

    Distilling water works off of boiling but it captures the steam and runs it through piping to cool it off and let it collect in a seperate container. This then is pure water with absolutely nothing in it. So unless you actually have a distillery at home then boiling it is just making it worse.

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