3x D.D survivor
2x Cyber dragon
2x Caius the shadow monarch
2x D.D scout plane
2x D.D assailent
D.D warrior lady
snipe hunter
bazoo the soul eater
gren maju da eiza
morphing jar
spirit reaper
exiled force
thestelos the firestorm monarch
mobius the frost monarch
raiza the storm monarch
3x dimensional fissure
2x reinforcements of the army
nobleman of crossout
shield crush
enemy controller
lightning vortex
heavy storm
mystical space typhoon
3x bottomless trap holes
3x sakuretsu armour
2x macro smos
torrential tribute
mirror force
negate attack
return from the different dimension
IMPORTANT NOTICE: I do not have solumn judgements, zaborg the thunder monarch, granmarg the rock monarch, or dimensional prisons or they would be in the deck already. Any other advice on powering this deck up to regional standards would be greatly appreciated.