
How good is pre-school for kids?

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I want to know how good is pre-school for kids




  1. Depends on the school you take them too. My son started school when he was 3 and he loved it. When he started preschool he already knew how to count to 20, shapes, colors.

    He also went to a good preschool and they taught them alot-although it cost a lot too.

    But if its a good school, its worth a try. Ask for a tour, and what they teach the kids.

  2. I believe that preschool is a wonderful start for yor child's education.  It gives them ahead start on learning.  As a preschool teacher I have teachers from kindergarten tell me that the children that have attended our preschool program are the top students in there classrooms also are well behaved.  I believe that getting an early strat on there education is the best step you could every do for your child.

  3. I think well run pre-schools are invaluable from the age of 3. They teach children valuable skills that are required for school, such as learning to share, listening skills, communication skills. They teach them how to socialise with peers and adults. They introduce children to basic rules, routines and boundaries. They introduce different play activities, some of which children may not have experienced. They encourage positive separation experiences from parents/carers.

  4. that depends on the age.  How young is too young for a child to be separated from his/her parents daily for long periods?  

    I went to a Christian based pre-school for 4 hours 3 mornings a week.  I liked it but didn't learn anything academic more than I did at home. It's good to socialize but come on, why can't parents teach their kids to recognize colors and shapes.  And as for socilization, what about neighbor children, children from a religious organization you belong to, etc.

    In my opinion many parents use pre-school as a superior (but not as good as real parenting) form of normal daycare. They just feel better if it's called pre-schoo. Really, the term Pre-School is just like it says, before school. Meaning "home".

  5. Learn to enter act with other kids or other people that do not live with you at a young age is very good and healthy.

  6. I believe that pre-school is a great tool to help children adapt to being around other children and to get used to being away from mom and dad. I am a new mommy and I have found that my daughter is adjusting very well by being in pre-school. It was hard at first, but she looks forward to it now.  Just make sure you observe the pre-school and find out about the reputation to avoid having to move the child and make the transition more difficult. Good Luck!

  7. I never went to preschool and i am doing fine. Preschool is just kindergarten at an earlier stage. I went to a day care which had a lot of kids and interaction and we just did games and stuff.

  8. A Christian pre-school is by far the best thing you can do for your special little gift of love...

  9. I believe the first choice is for children to spend quality time with their parents as much as possible.  That means with the parents until they start school at 5 years old.  

    Pre-school only for working parents, that's my personal opinion.  We are pushing our young too fast, too far, too early.  We are only young once and for such a short time.  

    'We should develop the heart of a child before the mind.' (Dalai Lama)

  10. it should be mandatory! teaches them how to socialize, share, function in a classroom setting, focus, listen, take direction and task manage prior to getting into kindegarten.  i wish every kid i got in elementary school had gone to preschool, would have been a lot less stressful on our staff!

  11. it is on a scale of 1 - 4 (4+) b-cuz it helps them develop and learn the california state standard need to know for kindergarden

  12. Pre-school is very good for kids it give them the head start they need now days to do well in kindergarten and first grade. They learn to socialize and make new little friends too.

  13. In the days before "No Child Left Behind" pre-school was a nicity, but many were okay w/o it.

    Now Kindergarten is structured like first grade used to be, and they are expected to hit the ground running.

    That being said - preschool, at least for the year before K, had become more "expected" by a Kindergarten teacher.

    A child that has not had a structured school experience before walking into a K classroom will be at a disadvantage.

    Good Luck

  14. I am a former kindergarten teacher.  Preschool is OK but should not be mandatory.  Of all the students I taught, the ones who did the best were usually the ones who had stayed home with a parent or grandparent.  Children can and will learn at home around loving adults and  siblings.

    If you are concerned about social skills taught by being around other children, then set up play dates with other stay at home parents. You can also take preschoolers to story time at libraries, where they will be exposed to having another adult lead them for a while.

    Starting a structured school program at five is young enough.    I think kids should be allowed to just be kids and not pushed into an early learning program.

  15. It is very good for kids. It teaches them to socialize and prepare them for school and get them ready for 1st grade. It also gives them a head-start academically.

  16. it relly good

  17. Depends on your child.  Does he or she like to learn?  My daughter loved it and it helped a lot, but my son was too immature and it didnt help at all.

  18. Pre-school is an excellent place for children they learn to socialise, follow rules that are not set by their parents, and learn how to cope without them around.

    Also if there are any learning issues these will usually be spotted earlier and this will allow support to be made to that child if required before they start school thus giving them a head start.

  19. Pre-school is a very pleasant surrounding for children to be in. they will be able to learn the basic social skills that will later on help them in adult life. Among the other things that pre-school teaches are colors, alphabet(it varies), sharing, etc. All in all, it promotes a good enviroment for 3 & 4 year olds.

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