
How good is the 99 Cents pregnancy test???

by  |  earlier

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I am a couple of days from testing and I wanted to know if the dollar store test was just as good as the 12-18 dollar tests?? I also was wondering if anyone new how much hcg hormone you needed for this test cause I know some test you need like 50 or even 100 to test positive?? I need some encouragement and some major baby dust haha...thanks everyone




  1. Yes they are just as good. You are just paying for the name on the expensive test. A lot of times, they are manufactured by the same company. And they also read at 20miu, most of the other brands detect it at 50 unless you use an early testing one which detects the hormone at 25miu.....GOOD LUCK sweetie I hope you get the BFP, I am sending you baby dust.

  2. No. i wouldn't buy it. It may be tampered or give a miss reading.

  3. I have to warn you that there are some bad batches of those cheapie pregnancy tests going around... I was a victim of one of those

    I waited until what I thought was 11dpo and took a test and a line came up immediately. I WAS SO EXCITED (we have been TTC for 5 years now with no luck) so we splurged for a few of the digital tests and both BFN and I ended up getting my period a week later

  4. They're all the same thing...just different names on the boxes!

  5. my friend took one of those test and it was accurate i suggest you buy 2 or 3 just to be bout the hcg level i'm not sure..the box should tell you tho' good luck!

  6. they work just as well as the other tests.  and if you're obsessed with peeing on a stick, these are the way to go.  >D

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