
How good is the bank Alliance & Leicester?

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do you need to pay, to open a simple acount with them? Thanks.




  1. It is a good bank after being taken over by a multinational Spanish bank. You need to pay in money to open an account in any bank.But now most people think of banks as a financial organisation for interest rates,bank charges and finance. Instead of banks as provider of banking services and finance.

  2. I used to trust the borrowing beggars, but now have suspicions, and I don't just mean the current fiscal problems they have.

    My main bank is a concealed welded in floor safe in the garage.

    The bandidts can try, but would take a JCB to take away my money.

    Oh, I am far from "money under the mattress" stooge, but all I get from the banks is a peice of paper with numbers on.

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