
How good is the primark in liverpool?

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  1. Primark is the best shop in the world... you can get good fashion for cheap prices... I LOVE IT :) ... have fun !!! (y)

  2. its too big, and i went within the first month of opening and it was CHAOS, women were literally ripping clothes off the stand and it was so busy i was constantly dodging people. all the time i was in that shop i went on every floor and i only saw one nice top haha, it was a waste of time

  3. it is one of the biggest, it is OK but it is always really busy, but the ques go down in seconds.

  4. It is MASSIVE

    I love primark :)

  5. It's like the Primark in Birkenhead, only about four times bigger.

  6. Not that fussed on it 2 washes and the clothes look like rags ... but i must say the PJ's are not to bad ....

  7. Same as Primark in Manchester, Sheffield, Coventry, Nottingh..........

  8. It's a good shop,but gets extremely busy(as you would expect). I prefer the one in Manchester. It's set out much better so is easier to look around.

  9. Full of chavs, I imagine.

  10. its big it has five large floors

    the clothes are good value

    and although the queues look long they go down fast as there are lots of tills

    so overall tis gddd =]

  11. It's very good and is huge, I think it might be the biggest outside London, it's definitely bigger than Manchester.

    Great for buying bargains, so long as you don't mind huge crowds, long ques and having to have a long look around to get what you want.

  12. It is the biggest primark in the UK, there are 4 levels, it's great but very full too.

    Good luck!

  13. QUANTITY ,NOT QUALITY.Tk maxx has better clothes if you spend time looking,though its O.K FOR YOUNGER PEOPLE AS FASHIONS CHANGE EACH 4 MONTHS.

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