
How good should I (13 yearold boy) be at basketball?

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I'm about 5'4" play a guard/Small Forward, where should my skill level be?




  1. As good as you can be.

    Shooting must be easy for you. You may not need to learn how to shoot a 3 pt shot, but its better if you do. You need to be fast and be able to attack the rim.

  2. If you practice all the time, you should be pretty good. If you've only ever played in gym class, you may very well suck. If you're on a team, you should be at the point where you can catch the ball, dribble, and shoot.

    Your question is equivalent to 'how good should a 17 year old boy be at playing the tuba?'

    Or maybe, 'how good should a 19 year old girl look in plaid?'

  3. You should always be better than yourself.

  4. Well depends, most 13 year olds i see shoot from their chest, and arent very good with their left hand. If you want to stand out, you should try to improve your shooting form so you don't look like a little girl, and WORK on your left hand dribbling and layups. Work on some penetrating moves, I'm assuming you havent started lifting weights so you're still really fast, just work on your handles and learn how to create space. In 5 on 5 games USE screens, and outrun your defender. Run fastbreaks, and don't be afraid of getting blocked. make yourself a threat. If you're playing against highschoolers in pickup games, DON'T show fear. If you do, then they wont pass to you and they'll try to pack you. hope this helps

  5. hey there, i'd be happy to give you middle school statistics.

    three point percentage (no defensive pressure about .450 percent

    foul shooting percentage (50%) (T-mac shoots at 60)

    makeing all your layups

    shooting range from up to 15 feet

    the person you guard should get no more than 10 points

    you can run a mile easily

    you can run the 50 yard dash in under 10 seconds.

    hope i helped,

    good luck

  6. Well you should be very good if you're serious about the game, as you're very undersized for a guard/forward. I just turned 14 and I'm a 6 foot point guard. You should have extreme handles, speed, and toughness since you're undersized. Be sure to work on having a high release point on your jump shot so you won't get blocked as easily.Just practice hard. Good luck on your game.

  7. That is a really broad question. I'll do my best to answer it. You should be able to handle the ball and bring it up the court. You should be able to shoot the ball consistently from two steps inside the three point line and in. There is no need for you to be shooting threes at your level, it will only lead to bad shooting form later on. However, your team has to rely on you to shoot the ball so when you are open, you have to shoot and make it in 40 percent of the time. To be able to compete at the next level, make sure your vocal, stay in shape, and work your butt off on defense. High school basketball is primarily a game that is won on the defensive end and that is how you will get your playing time. It might not hurt to get a couple private lessons by an experienced and proven player to help you become a better player.  

  8. well...a normal 13 year old kid doesnt practice basketball routinely.

    buut. if you want to be good youmust work harder than your peers, i mean work every day for hours; dribbling, shooting etc. it will all be noticed

    and youll stand out from the rest, and by the time high school comes youll already have made a name for yourself

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