
How good should i be at skateboarding?

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i have been skating for about two months now. i was doing alright at first. I learned how to pop shovit while moving not too long ago, but im still not consistant. most of the time it takes me about 1/2 hour when i start skating in the beginning of the day to get as good as i was the day before when i stopped. now i was trying to learn how to ollie up a curb but i still havent accomplished that. i can do about half the curb but i think what is stopping me is tha im not confident enough to do the whole thing, because i know i can ollie that high. the other day i twisted my ankle tryng to do just that. i havent skated for about 4 days now. i am anxious to get back out here but i just want to ollie that curb. i know my fear of hurting my ankle again will probably set me back a little. but if anyone can tell me how good i should be (please be honest) and what i can do to get better faster please let me know!!!




  1. for two months of skateboarding ur really not doing to bad although ur not good either. u should be able to ollie up a curb by now, but im sure like u said u just need to confidance. by now most people start learning kickflips, ollie 180s, and other simple tricks along with easy grinds like 5050 and fs bs boardslides.

    to get better u need to practice alot and everyday. im not sure what sports uve done but in many if u dont practice so much like at least 3 times a week, ull get worse. try not to think about falling and make sure ur giving ur board a strong pop and jumping with it, its still the same as a normal ollie theres just a very small obstacle there now. when u think about it a curb is only like 5 inchs so its not very big at all. once u land it a couple times itll get much easier and 6 months from now ur gonna look back and laugh cuz this is so simple ur not going to believe u were afraid of this cuz by then u can ollie a curb without even really paying much attention.

    if u really want to add hieght do them stationary and really foucus. think about popping the board really hard and lifting ur back foot up rite away jumping really high and bringing ur knees up to ur chest while draging the board up with you, really foucus dont just practice it and do that for like a whole day straight. even if u dont notice any differance in ollie that day, the next day u will. when u sleep ur body repairs and trains the mussles that were worked durring the day and ur brain figures out problems it couldnt while u were awake so just cuz ur not improving one day keep going cuz tomarrow u will.

  2. My ex-husband was a sponsored amateur skater but he didn't really have all that much talent. He had lots of determination though. His best friend skated with him all the time and you could see that he had real talent for it but no determination. It used to make him so mad that he was consistently better than him.

    So I guess my point is that some people are born skaters and some can do it but it's just going too take a little more effort.

    He ended up breaking an ankle and his finger so be careful out there.

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