
How good was middleweight Bernard Mays?

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Was he as talented as Alex Ramos, James Shuler, or Curtis Parker?




  1. the world was his oyster, and even stablemate tommy hearns sung his praises

    he could have been a great.

  2. Ever see Mays' name under "Champion"?  He HAD the 'goods' but, like many talented figters in the 80s he didnt live up to his potential.   He lacked the discipline to reach his potential.  

    He wouldn't have won a title anyway.  Marvin Hagler was the ONLY undisputed champion in boxing for a long time.  He had the middleweight division LOCKED UP.  The others on your list were good fighters too.  Marvin was so much better than them, none of them lasted long enough to get a shot at Marvin.   He was busy beating guys better than them.  

    Some of them were still around when Marvin left.  By that time Hearns was running the show and fighting other guys better than this bunch.

    Leonard was a great Welterweight.  He was wise to WAIT and WATCH and STUDY Marvin CAREFULLY.  LOL,  he was like Batman.  Given enough time to do homework, he could take down anyone.

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