
How good will Greg Jennings do this year, PACKERS wr?

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I'm like his biggest fan. Have his jersey and everything.

Some people are saying he's gonna hit a toll because of losing brett. I think they're wrong. Jennings had under 55 receptions last season and still finished with 920 yards (also missed two games)

Brett loved driver

Rodgers loves jennings

im guessing he does well

- 1250-1400 yards

- 65+ grabs

- 10+ tds




  1. As a Packer fan, I hope he does well!

  2. I played against Greg in high school and I'll be honest, I never thought he would become the player he is today.  I played with TJ Duckett(Seattle Seahawks) and I always thought T would be the second biggest athlete to come out of Kzoo next to Derek Jeter.  Having said all that, I think Greg will still put up pretty solid numbers.  There will be somewhat of a drop off, which tends to happen when replacing a legend.  Defenses will be able to key more on the running game and while Aaron Rogers has looked pretty good, he's still no Brett Favre.

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