
How great of a potential threat to our environment are air and water pollution?

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What more can be done?




  1. not at all. i think u forgot to take a can of beer. just go out and enjoy and let others enjoy as well. if u worry so much of enviroment then may be u will go crazy. the air outside is nice may be raining  enjoy it dear friend ! !

  2. air and water are more than half of the environment we live in and need to survive. Polluting the air and water will kill us, or at least make us very sick.

    We already can not drink untreated water, and soon we will not be able to breath untreated air.

  3. Big threats.

    Next?  Oh, you wanted us to write your paper for you, I see.  Sorry.

  4. Well, it's obvious to all who want to see that we are killing this planet with overpopulation and pollution.   I think we need political leaders at all levels to get the ball rolling, to give incentive to people to try to do their part at an individual and family level.   I think they also need to punish big business offenders and monitor their pollution more.  There is a business in our town that single handedly killed the main river that flows through our town and nothing was ever done to them for it.   They still billow out air pollution in the wee hours of the night to avoid notice.

  5. When I think that I have been amazed by people's answers, I am more amazed on how gullible and stupid some Americans are getting everyday. This global warming c**p is lead by the small remnant of 60's throwbacks. Where did commonsense and level headed thinking go by the wayside? There is no reason or facts in anything when the thinking is not balanced. For those of you that have put your brain on the hat rack, get it back. If you are going take up your portion of real estate on this earth, use your brain!

  6. the threat is to us and all species



    Rivers and Lagoons in Mexico

    millions of batteries are thrown in the rivers and Lagoons by night fishermen

    1 small penlight battery contaminate 10.000 litres of water

    raw sewage added to water flows like cannals and rivers ,

    trash dumped on rivers edges ,

    Industry contaminates practically unchecked

    farmers using agro chemicals (fertilizers ,herbicides & pesticides)then deforest and the rains washing the topsoils impregnated with contaminants into the rivers

    thousands of women that do the washing in rivers using harmful detergents.

    farmers dump acidic coffee husk into the waters which kills millions of fish ,

    on the coasts

    oil spills that contaminate coastal waters,


    industrial wastes that are dumped into deep oceanic trenches


    changes in water temperature enhances harmful algae,(remember the red tide)

    and kills many fish who are critical to temperature ,when sea water enters lagoons here in Mexico many fish die ,due to sudden temperature changes

    also warm water releases carbon gasses

    cold water absorbs them


    wetlands like swamps have always been Natures natural filters for natural water flows,aquatic plants clean the water ,the anchored plants as well as the floating ones

    we should redesign wetland flora with in natural water systems to help contra contamination.

    stop sewage systems that connect to natural water flows ,forbid and police the dumping of rubbish on waters edges ,

    the best way is through the educational systems ,starting at kiddy schools and rising in intensity with progression.

    but in Mexico this is not accepted because this kind of education is not in the curriculum.

    In short the ways to protect the waters is

    laws and punishment ,government vigilance ,education ,

    alternative farming methods away from using chemicals ,which eventually end up in the ground water supplies

    to merely clean pollution or try to clean is never effective because of population growth ,it gets worse by the year ,an impossible task

    we must attack at the roots and that is the contaminating mentality


    the smoke from industrial chimneys,the smoke from any fire

    the escaping gases from spray cans ,the fumes from all internal combustion engines in the world ,all contribute to air pollution

    .we live in a closed system,pollution that is produced in one place can end up on the other side of the world.

    there are air currants continue sly moving all around the globe, and 5 miles up in the air is a layer which can hold things as big as frogs ,that have been picked up by super evaporation ,that can come down somewhere else.

    On the North pole contamination has been found in the ice ,that could have come from New York,

    if people burn plastics or tires the contaminated smoke will go up and join air currants that take it someplace else.

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