
How great would it?

by Guest66597  |  earlier

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would it not be the greatest moment in hockey if bettman goes out to hand out the cup. And he just gets blasted in the face by octi regardless of who wins that would make this the greatest finals ever.




  1. he has ruined hockey. I think he should do the respectful thing and apologize to the fans, players coaches etc and say he f'ed up and that he hopes that the league UNDER A NEW COMMISH can expand to bigger and better things.

    He is such a jack ***

  2. LMFAO! That would  be CLASSIC! If Bettman quit that'd be the icing on the cake!

  3. No the best day in NHL history would probably be to see Bettman offed.

  4. I'm just waiting for the day when the player accepting the cup just punches Bettman in the face.

  5. It would be even better iif it stuck to his face and injected the ink down his throat, like in the movie "Alien". The when the little octopi were born, they would burst through his chest, thus sparing all of us the dreaded playoff shootout.

  6. OMG that would be sooooo cool!!!!!
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