
How haram is it to buy a musical instrument?

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I want to learn how to play an instrument for myself in my own privacy without affecting anyone.




  1. I know this is a subject people debate about.  I found one website that says what I think.  People so often use music in wrong ways and I think this is what the teaching prohibits.  Just look at popular music and the images you get on the videos and the way it makes people act.  The words are not good and don't keep a person's mind on good things.  But music is a beautiful thing and cheers people up.  It's wonderful to listen to someone play an instrument well.  I think people have to avoid the use of music for wrong purposes.

  2. omg is it haram??? My brother wants to learn how to play the guitar and I used to play an instrument at school with the school Orchestra. I don't think it is haram, but this is definitely not the place to ask such a question.


  3. me too and i wanna learn how to play the gutair and my mama says that its haram e-mailme when you find out

  4. Music and playing musical instruments is haram. Because it can control your mood, and take your mind off remembering Allah. Music can make you feel all sorts, i definetly am controled by music in a sense, a sad song will make me feel depressed etc. I try to listen less and only as background. I can't tell you not to play them myself, because i do listen to music, it'd be wrong for me to tell you not to do something that i do myself.

    I'd like to play the piano too ! But my dad say's it's wrong so he won't pay for haram lol.

  5. as UNharam as drinking water

  6. buy it. play it. enjoy it.

  7. here is a video why its haram, i use to play the violin but when i reverted that all changed, have you ever notice how music can make you feel happy or sad or make you want to go wild?

  8. First you just gotta ask, is it haram to buy, then is it haram to play?

    You know what i mean, but it is not haram.

    And read the holy book yourself, you cant find anything related to that topic.  

  9. Salam for you my dear friendIn line with hadits of Muhammad pbuh not all music instrument are haram such as kasidah can be used.I think certain music instruments are haram because of its so loud voice and its song which is against with Islam.Music will make someone forget Allah and he/she does not make a prayer when its time comes Loving this kind of music is haram and somerone who loves it is tempted by satans.

  10. It is not haram if you still respect God while playing it, and the content is good.

    I wonder why they even say these weird things.

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