
How hard are electrical engineering classes compared to higher level Calculus?

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How do they compare to learning Calculus?




  1. With all due respect, the better you learn your maths, the easier your upper level classes will be, no matter what discipline.  

    In fact, most upper level subjects will not be delving into the rigorous high math you just learned.

    It is amazing how simple most of the equations we use to model nature are.

  2. Piece of cake ...

    The math for electrical engineering isn't harder than calculus.  Even the differential equations, once you learn how to use Laplace Transforms, reduce to simple algebra.

  3. Hey if you can handle Calc 3 or Differential Equations, anything else is obtainable. You are definitely smart enough, but are you willing to put in the work is the actual question.

    Good luck.

  4. You'll need everything through Calc 2 and 3, and alot of diff Eq.

    Some examples are as follows:

    simple resistor-capacitor circuits use calc 2 math

    resistor-inductor resonators use calc 3 math

    transmission line equations use diff eq and more

    If you're good at applying calculus to real-world problems (eg. in physics,  double-integrating acceleration vectors to get displacement), then you should be fine with most EE problems.

  5. vlee1415......EE is not the hardest of all engineering. If anything it might be the easiest. I have a bachelors in EECS and now I am doing my masters in control systems and process which require an understanding of almost all mechanicms and principles of Mechanical Engineering. The hardest engineering is Aerospace because they are a combination of Mech, Elect, Petro, Comp engineers.

    Mechanical engineers design engines. And the word 'engineer' came from them, not electrical engineers.

    EE is very easy, i had a 3.72 without much effort!!! It actually is a piece of cake!

  6. Like the guy above said, if you're willing to put in the effort you should be okay.  I was good at calculus and that was a big help.  The engineering problems let you apply the calculus.  I loved it, especially physical electronics, ie charged particles in magnetic and electric fields.

  7. EE is advanced Calcullus, partial differential equations mixed with the theory of communication physics. EE is the hardest of all engineering, harder than mechanical, civil, aerospace and chemical.

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