
How hard do u think it is for players that get traded or sign with a new team?

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i mean, they have to move cities.

They would have to sell their house and buy a new one.

If they have family and kids, that would mean that their kids would have to transfer to different school. And this would happen everytime if they get traded every season.

What do you think?




  1. it must be pretty hard cuz it's like a whole new freash start. also you'll prob. miss your old team. [bummer]

  2. I agree. It must be really hard for their families to adjust to getting signed to a new team. It may also take time to sell the house and then enroll the kids in school again. Good Question. Here's a star =]

    I also agree, must be hard to adjust. It's a whole new team, new ball park, new fans, new people, a whole new club house.  It must be hard to adjust, but I guess that's part of the baseball experience.

  3. i have little sympathy t words modern athletes, for the most part their life is set and their kids kids life is set, they really have nothing to worry about financially.  i know some people say money inst everything then why don't modern athletes play for free then. sometimes a change of scenery is needed, like for example the Manny Ramirez trade. Manny was becoming a cancer in the club house and for the most part the trade has worked out well for both teams. Sports like everything is business oriented now a days, general managers only worry about what the athletes have done lately not about how the family will adjust to a new city, because their job is on the line too.

  4. It would be hard i agree. I heard that Tex had to wait about 2 months to get fully settled in when he moved from Texas to the Braves. I have respect for ball players.. they have a tough jobs and I especially admire their families esp their wives ya know. I think it would be difficult if they were traded to another league or if they were in a good team and traded to one that isn't doing well :(

    some might have separate houses/apartments. i mean one where the family lives and one where the player lives in.. I know they want to make it easier for the kids.

  5. If they get paid more money to make new friends I think they are happy. They always complain when they dont make all the millions they want.

  6. yah

  7. It's hard, without a doubt. I think it's harder for guys who have a family. They're not only learning a new team, environment, and playbook, but they have to talk with their family and see if they all want to move, or if only he should move and they'll live there, or what they want to happen.

    There were a lot of articles about this at the trade deadline this year. I know I read quite a few things about Xavier Nady. He was traded from Pittsburgh to New York-- and he had a wife and a two-week-old son. They all moved to New York and they had to find an apartment. They were trying to stay in a hotel and it was weighing heavily on his mind.

    But it's even more than players being traded or signing with a new team. Guys in the minors who get called up and down the system struggle. They have to go from place to place, find somewhere to live.

    I read an article about Ian Kennedy having to work all of this out. He had an apartment somewhere, moved up in the minors, had to move, moved down in the minors, moved up to the majors, etc., etc. His apartment stayed vacant for quite a while and his landlord was starting to get suspicious, wondering if he still lived there.

    I know a lot of players (these tend to be the single, childless guys) say they live out of their car if they're getting called up and down so much. It must be a nightmare. I wonder how it's been for Chris Britton, who's season has been a whole bunch of call ups and downs-- every few days. Poor guy.

  8. It would be fairly hard but you don't necisarily have to move. You could just find a place to stay or get an apartment and during the off season go home. But if they did move i think it would be hard. Selling their house would take some time and trying to find a new house would take some time. Then their kids transfering would suck because the would have to make to friends. They basically just have to hope to stay with 1 team for their career.

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