
How hard is Chemistry Honors in highschool?

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I'm thinking of signing up for it.




  1. Very easy. Just make sure you comprehend the material, ask if you don't get it.

  2. Honors is just a word that means accelerated and has a few more topics at the end.

    Firstly, get word of mouth on the chemistry honors teacher. If s/he is a good teacher and everyone is able to comprehend the lectures easily, definitely take it. Otherwise, you have to be really good at reading texts and deciphering formulas.

    This brings me to the next issue: you must be very good at algebra in terms of solving for specific variables (example: 3x+39y=(39/35x - 5), solve for x). A lot of chemical formulas are simply break apart to get a variable, and plug in your data to get result.

    As this is an honors class, you'll probably have the classic "memorize the periodic table and replicate it" on a test. Go to a few websites and read up on it since you got a month -- trust me, it's a lot easier than it looks.  You conquered multiplication table (hopefully), just same deal.

    Provided you're strong at these 3 skills of reading, mathematics, and memorization, you'll do fine (more importantly, mathematics and memorization). Provided you had a fairly challanging teacher for history and previous math classes, and you earned at least a B-, I'd say go for it. Otherwise, you might be able to pull it off, but be prepared to work for your grade.

  3. It's a bit difficult, but doable.  

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