
How hard is aerospace engineering? what are the people like?are there alot of aerospace engineers?etc......?

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is it a field that is practically impossible to get into?




  1. I agree somewhat with the first answer posted here.  Aerospace Engineering will limit your job options when you graduate.  If you would like to do Aerospace but want the flexibility and job security I would suggest pursuing Mechanical Engineering as a degree.  I am a ME and the AE's took 85% of the same classes as we did.  I would think I would be very easy to retrain yourself to do Aerospace work affter obtaining a ME degree.  I personally went to school and graduated with a Bachelors in Mechanical Engineering and took a job with an oil company right out of school.  I basically work as a Petroleum Engineer now but I like the security I have knowing that I have a Mechanical background.

    Mechanical and Aerospace are both challenging degrees.  They are only as hard as you make them though.  It becomes a lot more interesting if you have a large interest in the subject matter.  I hope you like math and lots of equations!  I encourgae you to pursue it if you have an interest!

  2. Hi,

    Unfortunately it is a very difficult field to get into.....I work for Singapore Technologies (aerospace engineering firm) and we only have 1 out of 258 engineers that has an aerospace engineering degree.....The good news is that you can get a different type of engineering degree and still work in the aerospace field. For instance I am a structural engineer. I started here with my masters at almost 70k and I really enjoy what I do so to recap do not get the aerospace engineering degree. It closes doors......You need to get an engineering degree you enjoy and then pick your field....

    Good Luck

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