
How hard is it for an 11B to do college while on active duty?

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I've been thinking about enlisting as an 11B, and taking online college courses to earn a degree while serving active duty, so I can eventually become an officer. I'm asking is it hard to do college while serving in the infantry.




  1. It's very hard to earn a degree while being an active duty, low ranking enlistee.

    I had to leave active duty by reupping National Guard so I would have the time to earn the degree I now have.

    At best, you may complete a summer course here and there.

    Summer classes are only 4 weeks, so you may be able to complete approximately one semester of college in 4 years. Every little bit helps. When you leave active duty so you have the time, at least you won't take an entire 4 years to earn the degree.

    Serve in either the Reserves or National Guard so you won't have a break in service.

    If you are more than halfway through college, you might qualify for the Green to Gold Program. It allows you TIME to earn a degree. All the Army asks in return is some years active duty as an officer.

  2. it just depends on your unit really..Im in the 82nd airborne and we have a study group for soldiers who are trying to get their college work done and a lot of the NCOs try and give you some time but sometimes its not much but they do try to help you out..

  3. this really depends on your luck...were your stationed at...what unit you are with...the amount of training they do...and how often do they go to the an 11B you would spend possibly 2 weeks at a time in the field...alot of factors there....but my best advice because ive already looked into college courses and im on active duty here at ft bliss classes our very a military education center from any big post...most understand that you have training and will sometimes not be able to have work done when it suppose to be done...they basically let you work around your training schedule to get a college degree...

  4. it is not impossible, but it takes discipline because as infantry you will be very busy, with training, deployment schedules and eventually taking care of soldiers.  I know of a couple E-6's that earned their associates degrees and well on their ways for bachelors.

  5. Basically impossible.

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