I am US citizen married to a UK citizen that is an undergraduate at UCL. I will be joining her this September when the autumn semester begins. I have limited savings and by my rough guess, I will have enough to cover living expenses in London, and manage my US bills for 2 months. I served in the US Air Force for 6 years with much experience and training in the electronics and aeronautical field. I don't have any degrees, and only attended college for a year before enlisting. I have an active secret security clearance, but I'm not sure how that would or could transfer to the UK. I'm not to selective about work, as an immediate income will be a top priority. I am excellent in interviews, and have a professional looking CV, but again, all experience coming from the US military. Training in electronic principles and systems. Is 2 months a reasonable time to obtain work, and what would be a feasable salary to expect or hope for? I know this is a broad question, but I'll appreciate any input