
How hard is it for an American to get a job in Spain? What if they speak spanish?

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How hard is it for an American to get a job in Spain? What if they speak spanish?




  1. Current work climate is that it's pretty difficult for anyone who is NOT an EU citizen to get legal work or a work visa in Spain (and probably the rest of Europe.)

    The problem is the work visa, more than anything.  Unless you have some special talent or have made connections so that your employer (or prospective employer) can vouch for your indespensibility, you're going to have a rough go.  I don't know how hard it is to get an illegal job, but the hours are long, the pay is less than ideal and there are probably no benefits.  If you only want to work for a short time, you don't care about the pension plan part, but if you are planning to relocate, that's an important piece.

    I keep recommending people try to go through the agencies that place foreigners in jobs, because they also make sure your papers are in order, and help you with lodging.  

    You can do a search.  Here's a starter list.

  2. Its actually quite easy...americans and canadians are a prestige there. I would try being an english teacher..other wise i think it woulld be quite hard

  3. If you are from the EU you have a right to live and work in Spain, but that doesn't mean you'll get a job you want, if you can find a job at all. There is unemployment here and good jobs will be only given to Spanish personnel, unless of course if you are highly qualified as a brain surgeon or have a degree in some useful subject. There are jobs here if you can find them but they will be mostly bar work or something in the tourist trade. Many Brits come here and work for themselves. Now, you being an American will be much more difficult as you have no right to be here. Getting the necessary papers to be able to do so may prove more difficult than you think. Speaking Spanish will be an advantage to gaining employment. It also depends on where you want to live. Wages here are a lot less than the UK and much less than the USA. If you intend moving finance to Spain you will need to watch the exchange rate. The dollar is in freefall against the euro. It's not a good time to be thinking of moving here. 7 million Spaniards earning less than €16000 per year. That's about $20000. It's on the news today.

    It's a fantastic country to live in and I wish you well.

  4. as long as you know Spanish i don't see how it could be a problem

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