For people I know It's harder than ever to express and be yourself around kids, what with peer pressure, trying to be cool and not being themselves. For my friends and I, we find ourselves being judged over the internet and in real life. Just of the way we dress and how our hair's done. What I don't get is how people could care so much about looks-and just put a person down based on that when they know nothing about them. I think It's quite sad, and I know that that's just how the world works I suppose. But it goes to far, What with people bashing kids over their right to express themselves through clothing-It just lowers kid's self esteem, which is very valuable nowadays, more and more girls think of themselves as ugly, not good enough, so they feel like they have to make themselves over for a guy to notice them, Or maybe drinking or doing drugs. I for one, would never do anything like that, since I know better and I'm only a teenager; This may be an odd question but I was wondering if you ever went through something so bad, that you were scared to be yourself. I'm sure, everyone has because It's sort of normal now, but I was wondering if it has ever gotten to extreme.