
How hard is it for your cat to learn a new name?

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I have a 1 1/2 year-old female cat Scooter, named after the legendary 1940s-50s Yankees shortstop Phil "Scooter" Rizuttoi (I'm a huge baseball fan and favor shortstops). I regret the name I've given her - I would rather she have a feminine name. Three questions:

1) How easy/hard will it be for her to learn a new name?

2) How do I best get her to learn it?

3) What are your name suggestions?

FYI: I got her when she was four months old from a shelter - she had been found in a Taco Bell parking lot. She is adorable - she's a black and white shorthair with a 1/2 black moustache. She is VERY laid back and relaxed, affectionate, and very athletic when she's playing. She's very talkative. Every time I say her name, she "talks" to me.

I've considered renaming her "Bella" because she's so pretty and loves having her belly rubbed, but I think that name is pretty common lately. My #1 priority is to give her an UNCOMMON name. Thanks!




  1. cat will learn new name quickly keep using it for things like mealtimes etc

  2. All our cats have what I refer to as "Sunday Names" (ones intended for use at the vet) and then they have pet names I more often refer to them around home.

    I think its more about the tone of your voice that they respond to and not that they really understand the name that you've given them like humans would.

  3. I've always had two or three names for all my cats. . . because through years nicknames for them sort of evolve.  I just call them that a lot, and they get it after a while!  I never thought about it or stressed about it.  

    The only time I taught a cat his name FAST - I found a half-dead little kitty (around 6 mo old) and I would hold him near my cheek and sort of sing-song his name. . .and he would purr.  I have had him 8 years - and I don't even call him that name now. . . but if I say it, he gets all purry and cuddly.  

    I have to share a funny thing I read once. . . how to know if your cat likes his name:  put him in a room of cats and call his name, if he comes or even looks at you, he approves it.  If he doesn't like it, he'll look at all the other cats to see whose name it could possibly be.  LOL

  4. call it anything,cats relate to any name you call them,mine do

    i call mine by other names to which i chose when i first had them,and that was 15,16 and 17 yrs ago now

    gismo is now momo

    charlie is oily cat

    suki is wuki woo

    barny is nick

    jodie is whinge

    sooty is wooty butty

    licky is telletubby or the bruiser

    toots is munchkin

    and baby is candy floss.

    any way i have enclosed a couple of sites with a list of names.

  5. No, teaching a cat a new name is not hard at all. Just say it around her a lot, like before you give her food or treats. She will get used to the new name in no time! I also have a few names to suggest:




    I like Bella, but i agree. It is very common. I wish you and your cat lots of luck!

    Hope I helped!

  6. Actually, if she's pretty and likes her BELLy being rubbed and is found by taco BELL then Bella or Bell is a very good name. i'd probably use that one. cats adapt well to different names. here are some names that i think match her:



    Bean (i like that one, taco bell, and it sounds tomboyish because she's athletic and it's out there and uncommon)

    here is also my past cat names:



    Candy (i really like that one. it's an affectionate name)

    Lezlie (a little tomboyish and girly at the same time )

    to get her to learn the name just say it to her often and look straight at her when u say it. my friend changed her cat's name from Marty to Ginger and Marty got used to it very fast. Just say like: "Here's your food so-and-so," or when you pet her and bond with her say her name too.

    hope this helps :)

  7. not hard at all

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