
How hard is it having kids as early as 18mths apart is this a handful?

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any previous experiences with people that have had kids close together would be great.




  1. My kids are 26 months apart and it's pretty difficult.  But it's so much fun.  When the baby needs something the toddler needs attention.  It seems like everything falls apart at the same time.  Then a little bit of peace and quiet comes at the same time too.  It's not so bad the older they get.

  2. My two youngest boys are 19 months apart and when they were babies it was difficult.  I had two in diapers, 2 cars seats, a full time job and not much help from my husband.  But on the other hand, they are extremely close.  Now they are 11 & 12.  Many people think they are twins.  They always have a playmate and they are each others best friend.  And with them both being boys we have plenty of clothes to swap. I'm so glad they are close in age.  I couldn't see it any other way.

  3. my two youngest are 14 months apart.

    One is 16 months the youngest is 7 weeks.

    Everywhere I went when pregnant, perfect strangers would feel compelled to say "Oh, you'll really have your hands full now" as if this were a threat, a bad thing. (We planned our children to be close.)

    Every time I leave the house I get a few comments.

    But generally they are along the lines of "wow- that's a new definition of multi-tasking" and 'you make it look so easy'.


    it is easy.

    Our my 'hands full'?


    But as a mother who has lost one of her children to cancer, I tell people who say that-

    far better full than empty :)

    It's busy. Every day is busy. I keep YA on, and my newspapers on, and books around, and give myself little two minute breaks every hour or so (works well with nursing the baby anyway) and my husband is very good about making sure I find 30-60 minutes to myself at night, generally to sit in the bath tub and read, or go for a run alone, sometimes both, and that is very helpful when days get crazy (which they do). But for the most part, it just isn't nearly as hard as people said. Frankly, I like it :)

  4. My kids are twenty months apart. I personally don't find it that bad. They are starting to play more with one another now. It is really nice having them so close in age. At home it is pretty easy. They eat meals at the same time, I try to get them to nap at the same time. (works out occasionallyl!)

    The hardest part is getting out the door. Packing the diaper bag for two, and getting them in the car. But it works.

    Another thing that sucks, Is a lot of shopping carts only seat on child. So  investing in a baby carrier is always a good idea.

    It is what you make it to be. don't stress about being perfect, and don't worry if the laundry is a day--or two--behind. It'll all get done. They are only little so such a short time, it will fly by so fast. Enjoy it.

  5. i know someone who has daughters who are 12 months apart! they keep her busy for sure!!

  6. Yes it is hard, but you will never be bored.

  7. My boys are 19mos. apart. It is very demanding! (more so when the new one comes along and you have a 19 mo. old running around into everything)  But such a blessing I'm learning as they get older. Things started to smooth out for mine when my second was around 5mos. old (started sleeping through the night). Thank God I had my firstborn used to a regular bedtime and naps in his own room.  That is a life-saver alone.  They are 3 1/2 and 2 now, and I am so glad my youngest (surprise) came along when he did.  It is much easier to set routines...feeding, naps, bathing, bedtime when they are close in age.  They do all those things at the same time, and have wonderful playmates in each other. (plus I can hand down clothes from one to the other). I'm actually thinking of the pros a few years from now when they start school.  They will be in the same school most of the time, same sports teams, etc....much less running around/taxi mom time.  I originally wanted to wait until my first was 3 to try for another, but I'm sooooo glad it worked out like it did.  Wouldn't have it any other way!

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